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Monday, November 1, 2010

Why Heart Disease Increasing Among Indians

Heart or Cardiovascular disease is the class of disease that involves heart and also heart vessels mainly arteries and veins.This killer disease mainly occurs in low and middle income countries which also involves INDIA.Cardiovascular are mainly risk in women after menopause.Over 80% heart disease in India have been analyzed by WHO and it is said by 2020 over 23.6 million heart disease cases will be recorded in India.High blood pressure can increase the chance of heart attack and stroke.

According to UN, Japan has the lowest coronary heart disease in the world but still there had been gradually increasing when few Japanese moved to America, eventually approaching to people born there.According to me looks like this mainly happens due to change in lifestyles like decrease in diet and also in exercise and increase of stress.Meanwhile, the highest rate of heart disease on the planet increasing or spreading year to year.From the latest information UKRAINE is leading as the highest heart disease cases in the world. Even though WHO predicted that cancer would overtake heart disease this year as the leading cause of death.This is mainly happens due to increase of stress,tension and over use of drugs like smoking,tobacco and so on.HYPERTENSION is the single largest cause of heart stroke.Physical inactivity can increase heart disease by over 50%.If your gender is significant as a man you are at greater risk than a pre-menopausal woman.But once past to menopause, women has the same risk as that of man.Working for long hours can also cause heart disease and many more like physically being paralyzed and so on.

As a science student too, i would like to give some suggestions that doing at least 20-30 minutes walk  daily can help to prevent such cause, because according to scientist it is said that walking little bit faster is good than running.Do check that eating of nutritious food is good and also before half and hour of exercise drinking 1 glass of water is good.If you get time do yoga and stretching exercise which is the only way to reduce fats and gain your health and especially for men reducing of smoking and tobacco and also eating up of junk food can easily tackle the heart disease.