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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Pumped BMX APK

Pumped: BMX
Pumped: BMX is an insanely addictive and challenging BMX game!

Made by a BMXer for everyone who loves a challenge, Pumped: BMX is a true-to-life, insanely addictive and challenging BMX game created by someone who actually rides! If you're not a BMXer the tutorials will guide you, but prepare yourself for a brutal lesson in trails style! From huge jumps to technical lines, from insane stunts to stylish flow, Pumped lets you ride the way you want to ride.

• Brand new gameplay - totally unique!
• Incredible controls - as close as you can get to real BMX!
• Over 100 challenges
• real tricks, 1000s of combos
• Outstanding physics simulation - true to life trails riding!
• Stunning HD artwork

Requires Android:2.2 and Up

Download Links: (Armv7 Only)

Google Play:



Install APK and play.

Anomaly Korea { Apk + Data } for all device

Anomaly Korea

The alien robots are back and this time they’ve got Korea in their sights. It’s your job to lead a squad into fierce fire-fights and fend off the alien invasion. Plan your routes carefully and use new units and powers to turn the tide of war against a horde of new enemy threats.
Game Features: 

•A sequel to the award-winning Anomaly Warzone Earth
•Think tactically across 12 new missions
•Deploy new player powers and units to take on new enemies
•Put your skills to the test in ‘Art of War’ mode
•Cutting-edge visuals and a stunning soundtrack with full voice acting
•Optimised for best Android devices

Requires Android:2.2 And Up

Download Links: Armv6 and Armv7

Download APK File:

Google Play:

Download Data Files:

Anomaly Korea Data Files Part1 (100MB)

Anomaly Korea Data Files Part2 (100MB)

Anomaly Korea Data Files Part3 (100MB)
Install APK and place data folder in Android/obb/ and play.

Super Paper Mario

Super Paper Mario
 is a platformer with role-playing video game elements. The player moves through a series of levels, where he explores various landscapes and saving  the princess




                                     Run Like Hell! can be a helluva lot of fun even in winter!
Check out new features - OBJECTIVES!
Discover brand new gameplay quality. Complete compelling objectives and enjoy your extra awards.

Run Like Hell! can be a helluva lot of fun in winter!
After leaving that dreadful island, full of cannibals and unfriendly locals, our brave archeologist went to Himalayas searching for an ancient artifact. Close to the Mount Everest, being in artifact's cave, his senses told him he's being watched. Large, white, vicious, breath smelling and loudly roaring creature came out of nowhere. 'Not again' - was his last thought. It's time to RUN LIKE HELL! again.
RUN LIKE HELL! YETI EDITION is a new seasonal winter edition of a great paced run-and-jump platformer.

• Jump, slide and be precise to perfectly outrun the vicious Yeti
• Avoid all obstacles which slow you down
• Send fog or thunderbolts to slow your 'hunter' down
• Watch your adrenaline level and use it to run faster
• NEW! Objectives - fulfill objectives and discover brand new gameplay quality
• NEW! Second Chance - you can run even further after taking the second chance
• Game is absolutely FREE!!!

• Three game modes: Endless, Timetrial and Avalanche
• Cool powerups to help outrun the Yeti
• Colorful vibrant graphics and smooth animation
• Simple and fun game mechanics
• Hours of addictive gameplay!


Download from Google Play: CLICK HERE
or Download APK: CLICK HERE

Gold does much more than glitter (by Mr.Varun Aggarwal)

The story of gold is as rich and complex as the metal itself.

Wars have been fought for it; love has been declared with it. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs portray gold as the brilliance of the sun; modern astronomers use mirrors coated with gold to capture images of the heavens.

By 325 BC the Greeks had mined for gold from Gibraltar to Asia Minor. In 1848 AD James Marshall found flakes of gold whilst building a sawmill near Sacramento and so triggered the gold rush in California.

Held securely in national vaults as a reserve asset, gold has an irrefutable logic; released from the tombs of pharaohs and emperors alike, gold has an undeniable magic.

Gold is the oldest precious metal known to man and for thousands of years it has been valued as a global currency, a commodity, an investment and simply an object of beauty. Gold is rare. Today there are 165,000 metric tonnes of stocks in existence above ground. If every single ounce of this gold were placed next to each other, the resulting cube of pure gold would only measure 20 metres in any direction.

The demand for this precious and finite natural commodity occurs in many geographies and sectors. Around 60% of today's gold becomes jewellery, where India and China with their expanding economic power are at the forefront of consumption. In East Asia, India and the Middle East, gold has powerful cultural meaning, accounting for approximately 70% of the world's gold jewellery in 2009.

But jewellery creates just one source of demand; investment, central bank reserves and the technology sector are all significant. Each is driven by different dynamics, adding to gold's strength and independence.

In creating supply, gold mining companies operate on every continent of the globe. This broad geographical dispersal means that issues, political or otherwise, in any single region are unlikely to impact the supply of gold. Beyond mine production, recycling accounts for around a third of all current supply. In addition, central banks can also contribute to supply should they sell part of their gold reserves. It is worth noting that after 18 years as net sellers, collectively central banks are now effectively net buyers, causing not only a significant decrease in supply but a corresponding, simultaneous increase in demand.

Numbers and facts draws together some of the more extraordinary statistics which gold has accumulated across the centuries and around the world.

Major Characteristics
  • Gold (Chemical Symbol-Au) is primarily a monetary asset and partly a commodity.
  • Gold is the world's oldest international currency.
  • Gold is an important element of global monetary reserves.
  • With regards to investment value, more than two-thirds of gold's total accumulated holdings is with central banks' reserves, private players, and held in the form of high-karat jewellery.
  • Less than one-third of gold's total accumulated holdings are used as "commodity" for jewellery in the western markets and industry.
Global Scenario
  • London is the world's biggest clearing house.
  • Mumbai is under India's liberalised gold regime.
  • New York is the home of gold futures trading.
  • Zurich is a physical turntable.
  • Istanbul, Dubai, Singapore, and Hong Kong are doorways to important consuming regions.
  • Tokyo, where TOCOM sets the mood of Japan.

Factors Influencing the Market
  • Above ground supply of gold from central bank's sale, reclaimed scrap, and official gold loans.
  • Hedging interest of producers/miners.
  • World macroeconomic factors such as the US Dollar and interest rate, and economic events.
  • Commodity-specific events such as the construction of new production facilities or processes, unexpected mine or plant closures, or industry restructuring, all affect metal prices.
  • In India, gold demand is also determined to a large extent by its price level and volatility.


Despite its unrivalled properties, gold is an inert material. It does nothing until man discovers it, mines and refines it and bends it to his will. So the history of gold is very much the history of civilisation. Here are some points in time where that history was made.

  • A smelting furnace

    3600 BC

    First smelting of gold

    Egyptian goldsmiths carry out the first melting or fusing of ores in order to separate the metals inside. They use blowpipes made from fire-resistant clay to heat the smelting furnace.
  • Mesopotamian Headdress

    2600 BC

    Early gold jewellery

    Goldsmiths of ancient Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq) craft one of the earliest pieces of gold jewellery, a burial headdress of lapis and carnelian beads with willow leaf-shaped gold pendants.
    Image © Trustees of The British Museum
Wax models are mounted on a trunk of wax to form a 'wax tree'. The wax is later melted out and molten gold is cast in the cavity.

1200-1500 BC

Advances in jewellery making

Artisans develop the lost-wax jewellery casting technique. The process allows for improved hardness and colour variation which in turn broadens the market for gold products.

  • 1223 BC

    Creation of Tutankhamun's funeral mask

    Instantly recognised the world over, the funeral mask of Tutankhamun is a triumph of gold craftsmanship from the ancient world.
  • A reconstruction of Solomon's temple

    950 BC

    Solomon builds gold temple

    The Queen of Sheba from Yemen presents King Solomon of Israel with 2,500 kilos of gold, bringing the contents of his treasury to 5,700 kilos. Solomon uses part of his holdings to construct his famed temple, allegedly overlaid with gold.
    © Nir Levy
  • First gold dentistry practiced

    600 BC

    First gold dentistry practiced

    The first use of gold in dentistry as the Etruscans begin securing substitute teeth with gold wire. Bio-compatibility, malleability and corrosion resistance still make gold valuable in dental applications.
  • First international gold currency created

    564 BC

    First international gold currency created

    King Croesus develops improved gold refining techniques, permitting him to mint the world's first standardised gold currency. Their uniform gold content allows 'Croesids' to become universally recognised and traded with confidence.
  • The Lycurgus Cup


    First gold nanoparticles

    The Romans use gold to colour the Lycurgus Cup. Melting gold powder into glass diffuses gold nanoparticles throughout which then refract light, giving the glass a luminous red glow.
    Image © Trustees of The British Museum
  • Hallmark in a gold ring


    Hallmarking practice established

    The world's first hallmarking system, scrutinising and guaranteeing the quality of precious metal, is established at Goldsmith's Hall in London - where London's Assay Office is still located today.
    Image © The Assay office, Birmingham
  • The Great Bullion Famine begins


    The Great Bullion Famine begins

    During the years 1370-1420, various major mines around Europe become completely exhausted. Mining and production of gold declines sharply throughout the region in a period known as 'The Great Bullion Famine'.
  • Venetian gold ducats


    Venice's record year

    The Venice Mint strikes a record 1.2 million gold ducats using 4.26 metric tonnes of gold from Africa and Central Asia. These small coins prove popular as they are easy to mint and carry plenty of value.
  • This gold funeral mask dates from pre-Columbian times. Persons of high rank were literally covered in gold after their death.


    Ferdinand unleashes invasion force

    King Ferdinand of Spain proclaims "Get gold, humanely if you can, but at all hazards, get gold!", launching unprecedented expeditions to the Americas. Within years, the Inca and Aztec civilisations would be virtually destroyed by Spanish conquerors.
  • UK gold standard commences


    UK gold standard commences

    Britain moves onto a de facto pure gold standard, as the government links the currency to gold at a fixed rate (establishing a mint price of 77 shillings, ten and a half pennies per ounce of gold).
  • First gold electroplating practiced


    First gold electroplating practiced

    The first recorded experiment in electroplating is carried out by Professor Luigi Brugnatelli at the University of Pavia. Gold electroplating ensures improved conductivity, now essential to many 21st century technologies.
  • Californian gold rush begins


    California Gold Rush begins

    John Marshall discovers gold flakes while building a sawmill near Sacramento, California. The greatest gold rush of all time follows as 40,000 diggers flock to California from around the World.
  • Gold ore - Image © Terry Davis


    South African Gold Rush begins

    While digging up stones to build a house, Australian miner George Harrison finds gold ore on Langlaagte farm near Johannesburg. Miners flock to the region. South Africa will go on to become the source of 40% of the world's gold.
    Image © Terry Davis
  • Replica of a Faberge egg


    First Faberge Easter egg crafted

    Carl Faberge makes his first gold Imperial Easter Egg for Tsar Alexander III. Named The Hen Egg, it was commissioned as a gift from the Tsar to his wife, the Empress Maria Fedorovna, beginning a tradition that lasts until 1917.
  • Adoption of gold standard


    Adoption of gold standard

    All major countries other than China switch to the gold standard, linking their currencies to gold. The practice of bimetallism is abandoned.
  • Gold Britannia coins


    Gold standard returns

    The UK returns to the gold standard at pre-war parity of $4.86=£1 with sterling convertible to gold at 77sh 10.5d per standard ounce. This follows the country's departure from the gold standard six years previously at the outbreak of World War I.
  • Roosevelt suspends gold


    Roosevelt suspends gold

    President Roosevelt suspends US dollar convertibility to gold (gold at US$20.67/oz). The export of all transactions in, and the holding of gold by private individuals, is forbidden. Presidential proclamation makes the dollar convertible again in January 1934 at a new price of $35 per troy ounce.
  • Supermarine Spitfire Mk 21


    World War II closes gold market

    The London gold market is closed on the outbreak of war, as at the beginning of World War II. The world will later return to a fixed system of exchange rates, this time with currencies fixed to the dollar and the dollar convertible into gold.
  • John Maynard Keynes (right) represented the UK and Harry Dexter White represented the US at the conference.


    Bretton Woods conference

    The Bretton Woods conference sets the basis of the post-war monetary system. The US dollar is set to maintain a $35=1 oz gold conversion rate. Other currencies are fixed in terms of US dollar, thus forming a Gold Exchange Standard.
  • Dummy


    First gold bonded microchips

    Gold bonding wire is used in microchips engineered at Bell Labs in the US. Nowadays literally billions of chips are bonded this way every year, controlling all manner of indispensible electrical devices.
  • An astronaut on a space walk


    First gold in space

    The first manned space flight uses gold to protect sensitive instruments from radiation. In 1980, 41kgs of gold is included in space shuttle construction through brazing alloys, fuel cell fabrication and electrical contacts.
  • First South African Krugerrand


    First South African Krugerrand

    The Krugerrand is introduced in 1967, as a vehicle for private ownership of gold. This iconic coin is actually intended for circulation as currency.
  • Gold window closed


    Gold window closed

    The Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates comes to an end as President Nixon "closes the gold window", suspending US dollar convertibility to gold. The world enters its present day system of floating exchange rates.
  • First gold-based arthritis treatment


    First gold-based arthritis treatment

    Pharmaceutical giant, SmithKline & French, develops Auranofin, a gold-based drug for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. The drug receives regulatory approval and goes on sale for the first time.
  • First Central Bank Gold Agreement


    First Central Bank Gold Agreement

    The First Central Bank Gold Agreement (CBGA) is agreed. 15 European central banks declare that gold will remain an important element of their reserves and collectively cap gold sales at 400 tonnes per year over next five years.
  • Cardiac stents


    First gold used in heart surgery

    Boston Scientific markets the first gold-plated stent (Niroyal) used in heart surgery. Inserted inside large arteries and veins, such stents act like scaffolding, propping open the blood vessels to allow adequate flow.
    Image © Richard Lee
  • K-gold jewellery


    K-gold launched in China

    The World Gold Council creates an entirely new market segment with the launch of K-gold, the first 18k jewellery in China. The jewellery, in predominantly white and yellow gold, takes its inspiration from Italian design.
  • Launch of SPDR<sup>®</sup> Gold Shares


    Launch of SPDR® Gold Shares

    The market is transformed by an innovative, secure and easy way to access the gold market. Six years later SPDR® exceeds $55bn in assets under management.
  • Central banks return to buying


    Central banks return to buying

    In the second quarter of the year, central banks collectively become net purchasers of gold for the first time in two decades. This reflects a combination of slowing sales from European banks and growing purchases by emerging market countries.
    Image © National Geographic
  • Price Chart


    Gold price sustains record highs

    Fiat currencies are undermined by inflation fears and successive financial crises. The London pm fix achieves 35 separate successive highs in the year to date.
  • Gold in catalytic converters


    Gold in catalytic converters

    Gold used in catalytic convertors by a leading European diesel car manufacturer. The first use of gold in automotive emissions control.
  • London 2012 Olympics


    Olympic Gold

    The custom of awarding gold, silver, and bronze in sequence for the first three places dates back to the 1904 Summer Olympics in St. Louis, Missouri in the United States. At the 2012 games, the International Olympic Committee stipulates that each gold medal must have a minimum of at least six grams of gold. The London 2012 gold medals are the biggest and heaviest summer Olympic medals ever made.

Gold's contribution

Gold powers the internet. It underpins our economy. It is the bedrock of a portfolio. It is the catalyst for future revolutions in science. It expresses love in many languages. And it carries memories across generations and cultures.

Gold already underpins the world's major currency systems; today the G20 nations are debating an even greater role for gold in a new world financial architecture.

Learn more about the proposed role for gold in the international currency basket.

Gold has provided an important store of wealth to diverse investors, from individuals to institutions, for centuries.

Gold is the metal of love. It owns the moment when "I will" becomes "I do". In jewellery form, it can quicken the heart-rate and grow in significance to become the most precious possession a woman will ever own.

From space exploration, to nanoparticle technology, to the bonding wire at the heart of an iPhone, gold's extraordinary physical properties make it essential to a wide range of scientific applications.

From local training and employment opportunities to the creation of infrastructure, from the generation of governmental revenues to the development of whole communities, gold mining makes a tangible and transformational contribution to entire countries around the world.

Gold does much more than glitter.