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Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Well what to say every single person in this world are mainly concerned about there skins because the conditions of our skin changes in every season. For example in case of winters the skin starts drying which causes itching and so on. People often gets frustrated because even though applying or trying many face packs there is no effect in skin because the skin is mainly affected by climate change.

Eating a well rounded ,healthy diet is important. Be sure to include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Using or applying lemon or honey on your skin and gently massaging it helps to glow your skin, but note that not to hardly scrub your face it may affect. Milk is  also helpful to your skin because it contains calcium and proteins and do apply it for atleast half an hour. The most important thing to do is to drink water everytime and atleast about 8-9 glasses daily. Exercise is also another important advantage to glow your skin. One of the main problems associated with skin blemishes is dead skin cells.

 Be careful and do wash your pillow case once in a week because it cause breeding of bacteria which leads to pimple's. Avoid excess fats and sugars ,both can cause problems to your skins. As we have heard already that "Preventive is better than cure" so wash your face twice a day.Avoid using cosematics  frequently.Sitting for more than 4 hours in computer can cause or affect your face as wrinkles starts and your eyes can also get affected. Avoid touching of face which will increase acne problems.Stress and continuous can also cause wrinkles and avoid drinking of coffee everytime. Sleep for atleast 7-8 hours continuously can help to give a healthy skin. Glycerin oil is also important for dry skin and also banana is also good for skin we can mash it and apply for few minutes and then clean it with warm water.So be careful about your skin and especially your face because the main affected area of your body is face.