Universal Android and Other Stuffs!!!

You can get all you want as my blog talks about all further knowledgeable information as well as reviews,latest gadgets,best of all, as well as Android Games, CUSTOM ROMs, softwares and Important App's .

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Theme Line Adw/Apex/Go/Nova v1.36

Requirements: 1.6 and up Overview: Theme Line for ADW Launcher, Apex Launcher, Go Launcher Ex and Nova Launcher.

Designed for great works with amoled screen.
Work too with white and color wallpaper.
Works with:
ADW Launcher
ADW Launcher EX
Apex Launcher
Go Launcher Ex
Holo Launcher
Holo Launcher HD
Launcher Pro
MIUI ADW iPhone Launcher
Nova Launcher

Icons pack for:
File Manager
Voice Dialer
Voice Recorder
Google Barcode Scanner
Google Chrome Beta
Google Currents
Google Drive
Google Earth
Google Googles
Google GMail Google Latitude
Google Maps
Google Messenger Plus
Google Navigation
Google News & Weather
Google Latitude
Google Places
Google Play Book
Google Play Music
Google Play Store
Google Play Videos
Google Plus
Google Talk
Google Translate
Google YouTube
FM Radio
Kies Air
Mini Diary
Music Hub
Music Player
My files
Photo Editor
Reader Hub
S Memo
S Suggest
Samsung Apps
Social Hub
Task Manager
Video Maker
Voice Command
Voice Recorder
Voice Talk
Write and Go
FM Radio
Adobe Reader
Apex Launcher
Beautiful Widgets
Camera Fx
Dolphin Browser
Fancy Widgets
Flash Player Settings
Go SMS Pro
Polaris Office
Power Amp
Quick Pic
Root Explorer
Rom Manager
Sound Hound
Terminal Emulator
ThinkFree Office
Titanium Backup

This app has no advertisements
Download Instructions: http://ul.to/j3gungif

Contributed by Universalstuffforall.blogspot.in


Hi friends here is another CyanogenMod like custom Rom for galaxy y known as CyanMobile eXperience 2.3.8 V 0.5. Let us thanks to whitexp member of XDA with the hope that one day he will have fully working version what is CyanMobile eXperience V 0.5 beta? CyanMobile is an aftermarket ROM like CyanogenMod, MIUI, JoyOS, LewaOS and others that are built from source.Absolutely built from source based on CyanogenMod 7 (Gingerbread v2.3.7) and modifications from AOSP and AOKP."CyanMobile is Short of " *Cyan* (CyanogenMod) *Mob* (Mobiling) *I* (Improving) and *L* (Let's) *E* (Experiment)" So lets proceed with installation instruction of CyanMobile eXperience 2.3.8 beta on galaxy y.


· First build

· bugs ? : same last cm7 ! ,statusbar need fixes

· Need fix bugs in cyanmobile


Kernel for CyanogenMod CyanMobile for galaxy y: (not mirrored) white.cyan.tar

Rom File: update-CyanMobile-eXperience-GalaxyYoung-20121210-Release.zip

Size: 103 MB



Use at your own Risk! we will not be held Responsible for any damage to your device. The instruction provided here is only for informational and educational purpose.

Installation Instruction:

· First of all backup your phone and charge battery at least 75%.

· Now place all the files found in download section of this post Kernel pack, Rom file and CWM file in the root directory of your phone's sdcard and turn off your phone.

· Then you will have to install the Kernel file for how to install Kernel follow instruction provided here.

· After installation white.cyan kernel succesfully on galaxy y Reboot your phone in Stock Recovery mode by pressing Volume Up+Home Button+Power button together. In Recovery mode touchscreen become function less so use vol up and down to move up and down home for selection and power as back.

· Now from recovery menu select Update zip from SDCARD

· Navigate to root directory and Choose the CWM RECOVERY file

· Then another recovery mode will appear known as CLOCKWORKMOD Recovery.

· Now select Wipe data/factory (yes to all).

· Then Wipe cache (yes to all).

· Then select mount and storage > mount system> format >system>mount system

· After that select Install zip From SDcard.

· Then select Choose Zip From SDCARD naviate to root directory and select the Rom File "update-CyanMobile-eXperience-GalaxyYoung-20121210-Release.zip" then wait for the installation to be completed.

· After installation completes Reboot your phone.

Congratulation! you have Successfully learn how to install kernel and CyanMobile eXperience 2.3.8 V 0.5 beta on galaxy y. As beta may have bugs so if you notice one post on thread page to get fixed by developer.

AOKP JB Milestone #1 [4.1.2] Rom for Samsung galaxy Ace GT-S5830

Hi Guys Here is another custom Rom for Samsung galaxy Ace. So if you want to have look and feel of latest Google's phone operating system Android JellyBean on your Samsung Galaxy Ace then you can try this custom Rom. This custom Rom for Samsung galaxy Ace has lots features and has same theme support with CM10. This custom Rom is developed and shared on XDA by Senior Member msnnsm so don't forget to thanks him. AOKP JB Milestone #1 4.1.2 Rom for Samsung galaxy Ace gt-s5830. As AOKP released its major update – AOKP JB Milestone 1 for all the supported devices along with Android 4.1.2 few weeks back and now with this port we can enjoy it on our galaxy Ace. 

· Android 4.1.2

· Superuser & Busybox preinstalled

· Deodexed

· 180 Degree rotation

· Built in performance/init.d configuration (Thanks Kejar & company)

· Custom Power Menu

· Brightness slider in navigation bar.

· Custom color for anything in RC

· Custom Clock Color/Location: Right, Center, Disable

· Battery Icon/ Color Picker: CircleMod, Bar, Text Only, Icon Only, Icon+Text or None

· Battery Bar in Status Bar or Nav Bar, Bar Thickness, Charging animation

· Nav Bar Transparency

· Nav Bar Button Reorder: Back-Home-Search-Menu

· Nav Bar Color Picker

· Nav Bar Button Glow Duration: Off, Fast, Slow

· Nav Bar: Long press to Search button

· Nav Bar Hide on Lock-screen

· Toggles in Pull Down Menu: Auto rotate, Bluetooth, GPS, Wi-Fi, Aiplane mode, Vibrate, Silent, Sync, Data, 4G, Tethering, Torch, Brightness

· 'Traditional' toggle layout (where the toggle are on the very top) -- find in RC > Statusbar General > Layout

· LCD Density (Careful with this)

· Menu Button location: Right, Left, both, Remove

· Menu Button Visibility: Always show, Always show Invisible Icons

· Lock-screen Style: Stock, Quad, Octo, ol' gingerbread

· Lock-screen Wallpaper

· Lock-screen color changer

· Lock screen calendar

· Lock-screen SMS customizable shortcut (with icons)

· Lock-screen Horizontal Option

· Performance Menu: (Use With Caution) Max/ Min CPU, Scaling Governor

· Unlock Screen with Legacy Menu Icon

· Volume Key to Wake Screen

· Volume Key to Skip Tracks

· Long-press back button to kill process

· Disable CRT off animation

· LED pulse settings (time on/off)

· ICS ringtones/notification sounds

· Customize carrier text to whatever.

· Power Menu options: Boot to recovery/ Boot loader, Reboot, Screenshot

· Facebook contact sync integration (must wipe to get this)

· Disable Boot animation

· Keyboard: Volume keys act as a cursor while typing -- disable in keyboard options

· Long press home for recent apps (thanks brucekey)

· Quick torch (enable in Rom-control, long press power when phone turned off. See the magic.)

· Fast charge toggle for maguro/toro for kernels that support it

· Weather-panel in notification drawer[/COLOR]

· Weather on lock-screen.


· Same as cm10 bugs.

Use at your own Risk! This Rom is meant for Samsung Galaxy Ace model GT-S5830 Do not use on other Device. We will not be held responsible for any damage to your device.


Installation Instruction:

· Download the ROM file and CWM file then place them in the root of your phones sdcard.

· Reboot to recovery mode using combination of 3 button (Home Key+Volume Up Key + Power Key) together.

· In recovery mode use volume up and down to move up and down, home as selection button and power as back.

· Now select "apply update from sdcard" and select the CWM file "ClockWorkRec5830i.zip" this will take you to clockworkmod recovery.

· Wipe Data/Factory Reset,

· Wipe Cache Partition,

· Advanced/ wipe dalvik cache

· Advanced/ wipe battery stats

· After that Select install zip from sd and then "choose zip from sdcard" and select Rom File "AOKP JB Milestone #1" and then ok

· Flashing should begin let the process complete successfully and reboot.

· Remember first boot may take longer then normal boot some times say 10 minutes in case If blue screen appears at boot close phone and reboot there is no problem.(You can close phone with pressing power and volume down button at the same time for 10-15 seconds)

· Install Gapps

Congratulation! you have learned how to successfully install AOKP JB Milestone #1 custom Rom on Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830. In case you notice bug post on thread page so developer may fix on next update Source .

VLC Player for Android Beta v0.0.8

VLC for Android Beta
VLC media player is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player that plays most multimedia files as well as discs, devices, and network streaming protocols.

This is a BETA version of the port of VLC media player to the Android™ platform. It is intended for power users and hackers. This version is not perfectly stable and is slower than the final version.

It might kill your kitten, destroy your house and start the Mayan apocalypse.
Use it at your own risk. Have fun! :)

This version is for devices with an ARMv7 CPU or a x86 CPU. ARMv6 devices will be supported in a further release.

VLC for Android™ plays most local video and audio files, as well as network streams (including adaptive streaming), like the desktop version of VLC.

VLC for Android has a media library for audio and video files, and allows to browse folders directly.

VLC has support for multi-track audio and subtitles. It supports auto-rotation, aspect-ratio adjustments and gestures to control volume and brightness.
It also includes a widget for audio control, supports audio headsets control, cover art and a complete audio media library.

Missing Features
As this is an early BETA version, a lot of things are not finished, but will change for the final release:
• The basic User Interface will change again;
• Performance improvements are missing;
• Hardware decoding works only with a limited set of hardware;
• Other unknown issues.

• It needs hardware control, in order to change the audio volume;
• It needs phone calls control, in order to pause the music when someone is calling;
• It needs full Internet access to open network streams;
• It needs to be able to read logs, during the beta version, to help understanding the crashes and issues;
• It needs to get access to the SD card storage, in order to allow deletion of files.
• It needs to get access to the settings, in order to change your audio ringtone.

Shadow Gun

Download From Play Store

One of the best-looking mobile games ever created - ign.com
☣ Version for Tegra 2, Mali-400, Adreno and PowerVR devices released !! ☣
The year is 2350, and corrupt intergalactic corporations are the rule of law, hiring bounty hunters and mercs to do their bidding. The best of the best are known as SHADOWGUNS.
SHADOWGUN puts you into the role of John Slade, the galaxy’s most infamous bounty hunter. Your mission: hunt down Dr. Edgar Simon, maniacal genius and leader of his own mutant army. Infiltrate Dr. Simon’s mountain fortress and fight his personal guard of cyborgs, battle droids, and genetically-enhanced humanoids. Using state-of-the-art weaponry, ships, and the assistance of S.A.R.A.—Slade’s personal android assistant—SHADOWGUN combines intense tactical combat with 3rd person action.
- Featuring the most advanced combat A.I. to date—enemies flank, seek cover, and utilize teamwork to take you down! Battle automated sentries, aerial drones, and other lethal foes—tactical maneuvers are based upon actual military strategy!
- Solve hacking mini-games to whet your nerdly appetite, then get back to blasting!

- It ain’t just pretty—it’s gorgeous! Advanced lighting effects, beautifully rendered environments, and pro voices make this one of the most advanced games for your smartphone!
- Immersive storyline with multiple outcomes! You decide how it ends!
- The first installment in a major franchise!
- Unlock the detailed “Shadowpedia”, and read more about the SHADOWGUN universe!
- Survive the onslaught of Dr. Simon’s deadly creations, including level bosses, mutated grunts, killer machines, and more!
☣ Xperia Play Optimized ☣

- The story directly follows the events of original Shadowgun
- 4 new levels
- New enemy creature
- New gun
- New type of gaming interaction
- New collectibles

- New soundtrack
                                     - Lot of new graphics, animations and cutscenes


  • Put Data In Android>Data
  • Install Apk
  • Play.

Friday, January 4, 2013

RAM Manager Pro v4.3.0 APK


This application optimizes the RAM of all android devices and gives you better performance. We tested and we're still testing the best RAM balance which makes your system as fast as possible. This application improves perfomance of your device in all directions.
Switching between applications is very fast, your system will be smoother then ever before. You can fully use your multitasking and you still have as much memory as you need.

  • Balance - Option which makes your RAM to the best optimization, this option is for everyday using. Use this option when you want to have fast phone without lags.
  • Balance (More free memory) - This option is nearly the same as Balance, but this option should be advantageous for users who have more RAM than 512 MB. This option gives you more free memory but a bit reduces multitasking.
  • Balance (More multitasking) - This option is nearly the same as Balance, but this option should be advantageous for users who have less RAM than 512 MB. This option gives you more multitasking, but a bit reduces free memory.
  • Hard Gaming - Option which stabilizes your RAM for playing hardest games. Use this option for games which lag on your phone. Your games will run smooth without lags.
  • Hard Gaming (Less aggressive) - This option is similar to Hard Gaming but should be better for devices with RAM lesser than 512MB.
  • Hard Multitasking - Option for users which are really hard working on their phones. You can have a lot of running apps and quickly switch between them without lags.
  • Default (Samsung) - Default settings by Samsung, these settings are also used by LG, HTC, etc.
  • Default (Nexus S) - Default settings which are used by all Google devices.
  • Default - This option reverts your RAM to your default settings, which you had before you installed this app.
  • Lock launcher in memory
  • VM Heap size
  • Memory info
  • Free memory meter
  • Charging limit (only works on some kernels)
  • Widget
  • Chosen option is automatically set on each reboot.
  • You can easily switch between all options without rebooting.
This application is the best solution for all who have problem with free memory, with multitasking, with slow swapping between applications or with slow performance of your device. I recommend to use this application to everybody who wants have better phone, because this application increases speed of your phone and other parameters which depend on RAM.

What's in this version : (Updated : Jan 2, 2013)
  • Corrected mistakes in Polish language
  • Added French language
  • Changed theme background to black
  • Fixed background of widget
  • Fixed all minor bugs
Required Android O/S : 2.1+

Screenshots :

Download : 200Kb APK

Bacteria Arcade Edition v1.1 APK

Defend your cells from alien bacteria attack in this 60hz retro arcade game!

Classic 60hz retro arcade game action with addictive gameplay.

Defend your cells from alien bacteria attack!!!

Three levels of difficulty: Novice, Arcade, and Insane!

Blast your way through multiple waves of attacking bacteria.

Inspired by multiple classic arcade games.

Required Android O/S : 2.2+

Screenshots :
Download : 5Mb APK

ROM Manager (Premium) v5.5.1.5 APK

Must have app for any root user. Make backups, flash ROMs, and own your device!

Must have app for any root user. Make backups, flash ROMs, and own your device.
ROM Manager is THE MUST HAVE APP for any Android root user. (Over 3 million downloads and counting!)
  • Flash your recovery to the latest and greatest ClockworkMod recovery.
  • Manage your ROMs via a handy UI.
  • Organize and perform backups and restores from within Android!
  • Install ROMs from your SD card.
  • Install your favorite ROMs over the air!
Premium Version:
  • Premium ROMs
  • Receive notifications for when your ROM is updated!
  • Automatic backups
  • Install from QR Code
  • Web Connect
  • Support
Do you prefer using only recovery manually? Check out the Touch Recovery in app purchase, for the most advanced recovery available!

What's in this version : (Updated : Jan 3, 2013)
  • External SD card support is fixed on devices running Android 4.0+ and CWM 6+.
Required Android O/S : 2.2+

Screenshots :
Download : 2.5Mb APK 

Vignette v2012.12.5 APK

Use more than 70 customisable filters and 50 frames in any combination to create many photo effects!

Use 76 customisable photo effects and 57 frames in any combination, to create retro/vintage styles, LOMO/Diana/Holga toy camera styles, Polaroid/instant camera styles and much more.
Plus cross-process, duotone, charcoal, tilt-shift, photo-booth, double-exposure effects and more.

  • Take pictures at your camera’s full resolution, even with effects (paid version only)
  • Use the flash and front-facing cameras on most devices
  • Self-timer, time-lapse and steady-shot modes
  • Digital 10× zoom
  • Store location data in pictures (geotag)
  • Use the volume rocker as a shutter button
  • Launch from the lock screen in Android 4.0+
  • Remote shutter with Sony Ericsson LiveView
  • Time- and date-stamp pictures
  • Rule-of-thirds and golden ratio composition guides
  •  Share pictures via third-party apps
Vignette does not require an internet connection to process pictures like some apps, and does not upload your pictures to a central server like Instagram. Your pictures do not leave your phone until you choose to share them

What's in this version : (Updated : Jan 1, 2013)
  • Fixed: Tilt-shift behaves not as expected.
  • Fixed: Black pictures when zoom is at maximum.
  • Fixed: Delay between pressing shutter button and taking picture.
  • Fixed: Zoom/crop control missing from adjust screen.
  • Fixed: Can't import pictures from Picasa Web Albums.
  • Fixed: Double exposure mode not working.
Required Android O/S : 1.6+

Screenshots :
Download : 216Kb APK